Newborn Modern Cloth Nappies

Congratulations Mumma! If you are reading this I assume you have a little bundle of joy on the way or a bub who recently arrived Earth-side or perhaps you are in the planning stage.
Firstly let me tell you that it is 100% possible to use cloth nappies from birth. I have done it myself three times now!
Newborn Modern cloth nappies are an affordable, eco-friendly and super easy to use alternative to disposable nappies. Best of all they are super cute!
Our newborn nappies were designed with ease of use in mind. Why? because let's face it, those first few days (even months or years) after birth us mums are mentally and physically exhausted and we just need simplicity so we can focus on our new baby.
Our newborn nappies have hook and loop closure to make fitting them easy peasy! As well as a no-fuss wipe clean system that allows you to change the soiled insert, wipe the shell clean and replace with a fresh insert - giving you more changes while saving you money $$$. Our newborn nappies also have double gussets! Which work like super poop catchers and help to contain even those nasty poop-explosions that babies so often grace us with.
So let's talk poop!
Yes newborns poop A LOT and in the first few days of life their poop or meconium is black and sticky and hard to clean. But don't fear! With a good washing routine, a good detergent and maybe even some stain remover spray your nappies will wash up sparkling clean each and every time. Yes, even meconium will wash out.
The best thing about newborn baby poo is that if you are breastfeeding it is totally water soluble! Meaning it will all just wash out in your washing machine and down the drain - no need to rinse. If you are formula feeding it is as simple as giving poop nappies a quick rinse off prior to dry pailing.
There is heaps of great washing and cleaning info HERE on our website.
How many nappies will you need?
The average newborn requires anywhere between 8-12 changes in 24 hours. Sometimes more! Our newborn nappies come in a range of packs - 2, 4, 10 with the option to add extra inserts so you can utilize our wipe clean system. According to our website analytics the 10 pack with 10-20 extra inserts is the most common purchase. This combination will give you 10 shells with 20-30 inserts which will be perfect for full time use if you wash every 1 - 2 days.
So how long will they fit bub for?
Honestly there is no set answer. We say from 2.5 - 5.5kgs but it depends on your bub. The best thing about cloth nappies is once bub outgrows them you can either stash them away for any future bubs or sell them! There are many different buy and sell pages on facebook for cloth nappies.
What to do if you need some advice or have some questions?
Contact us! We are always more then happy to answer any questions you may have and don't be surprised if you send off an email in the middle of the night and get a reply soon after. Between Rhonda's insomnia and me getting up to feed my bub during the night we are usually pretty quick to respond. 😂
Wishing you well with navigating the early days in cloth.
😊 Danni